
Here’s a batch from Psychedelic Goblin:


Cats, leopards, cheetahs, snow leapards, panthers, pards, lions, tigers...

Smilodons— Saber-Toothed “Tigers”— are feline but not very closely related to the tiger.

A Tiassa is a large panther with batlike wings; a dzur is a large black tiger. (Stolen from Steve Brust.)

Tiger, unnamed beast (from Thorns of the Lotus)

Attributes: Bod 7, Chi 0, Mnd 2, Ref 9

Skills: Intrusion 11, Martial Arts 11

Base Damage: 10 (claws) Levincat

A levincat is a beast about the size of a bobcat with long black fur that stands almost straight out with static electricity; when agitated, they seem almost blue due to the presence of sparks in their fur. The beasts usually hunt by stunning small animals with their electrical aura, and can project short-range lightning bolts when threatened. (The static never discharges for long, and while the beast can suppress it to a degree, they could never do so enough to make a good pet.) Rumor has it that groups of them can summon thunderstorms. (Inspired by the easter-egg splash screen on Adobe PhotoShop 4.0, which is in turn inspired by the Goth band Big Electric Cat.)


Dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, kitsune, jackals...

Wargs are the classic oversized wolves, also known as dire wolves (a species that went extinct at the end of the Pleistocene). They run to 110 pounds, being five feet long, with bigger teeth and heads, stronger jaws, and shorter, more sturdy legs than their canine cousins. In fantastic settings, they can get even bigger...

Hellhounds are large black dogs with short dark fur, glowing red eyes, and the power to breathe fire.

The Karmadan or Karkadann are wolflike creatures that dwell on temperate plains (Persia and India) with two horns: one long ivory one in the center of the forehead and a short, curved tusk on the nose.

Wyrsan (sing. wyrsa) are highly dangerous creatures that live above the snow line in the high mountains; their howl is quite distinctive. The plural for a group of wyrsan is called a ravening for very good reason; the pups are known as kitlings, but no one wants to find a ravery full of them... (Stolen from P C Hodgell.)

Lyorn are medium-sized golden-haired dogs with a horn in the middle of the forehead. Chreotha are large foxlike beings that use special saliva to weave a web strong enough to ensnare a dzur. (Stolen from Steve Brust.)

Guard/Attack Dog (Psychedelic Goblin.)

These are the cuddly alsatians, dobermen and rottweilers that the evil masterminds have patrolling their grounds.

Attributes: Bod 5 (Move 12), Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 12, Wil 6), Ref 6 (Dex 2)

Skills: Intimidation 8, Attack 8

Base Damage: Bite does Str + 3 (8) damage.

Ice wolves are white wolves that can breathe frost. Some have been domesticated and are referred to as ice hounds, and are very popular in hot climates, where they are very well fed and encouraged to keep their heavily built stone houses cold enough to refrigerate food and manufacture ice.


Bear. (Psychedelic Goblin.)
Bod 14 (Move 7), Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 5, Wil 6), Ref 5 (Dex 3)
Intimidation 12, Attack 8
Claw Swipe does Str + 3 (17) damage.

Weasels, Skunks, and Badgers

(Order carnivora, family mustelidae.) Otters, badgers, polecats, weasels, mink, ermine, vermine, skunks, wolverines, martens, fishers, stoats...

Darkenstoats are vicious creatures with pelts so black that they simply absorb light. These hard-to-capture creatures are valued among thieves and spies for their pelts, which can be made into garments or alchemically treated to extract the dye fuligin, which can be used to imbue cloth and leather with this light-absorbing property. One pelt can provide enough dye for four yards of material.

Other Carnivores

Hyenas and aardwolves are hyenids. Raccoons, pandas, coatis, olingos, and cacomistles are procyonids. Mongeese, linsang, civets, and genets are viverrids.


Horses, donkeys, mules, ponies, unicorns (aka hippoceros, a horned horse), tapirs, kirin, zebras, quaggas, onagers, kiangs... Historical relatives of the horse include the horned brontotheres, clawed chalicotheres, and the indricotherium (aka the baluchitherium) that sootd sixteen feet tall at the shoulder. Aardvarks (Afrikaans for “earth-pig”), aka antbears, actually qualify by ancestry, as do hyraxes (which are related to elephants!).

The elisserion is a creature with the goatee, hooves, body, and fetlocks of a goat, and the tail of a lion, with a single horn protruding from its forehead. Sounds like a relative of the unicorn; the monoceros is described with the head of a stag, body of a horse, feet of an elephant, tail of a boar, and a single spiralling horn protuding from its forehead, with a horrible howl and wild enough to die rather than be captured alive. The horn of hte unicorn is said to detect and counteract poison.

A pegasus is a winged horse, also known as pterippus or pterigotippus. The hippolepididopterus or papillequine is a butterfly-winged pterippus. (Technically, Pegasus was just a pterippus, but the name has been applied to the entire category of creature.)

The Ky-Lin, or Ki-Lin is reputed to have the head of a dragon, a single horn, the mane of a lion, the body of a stag, and the tail of an ox. The Japanese Ki-Rin is similar, and reportedly winged and sometimes fire-breathing.

Horse. (Psychedelic Goblin.) This is the favoured mode of transport in the 69 juncture.
Bod 12, Chi 0, Mnd 0 (Per 5, Wil 2), Ref 6 (Dex 1)
Attack 5
Kick/Rear does Str + 2 (14) damage.

Bovines include bulls, cows, antelopes, buffalo, bison, oxen, impalas, gnus, hartebeests, wildebeests, gnus, blesboks, bonteboks, gazelles, gerenuks, dik-diks, klipspringers, oribi, gaurs, yaks, anoa, elands, nyala, bongos, kudus, bushbucks, reedbucks, lechwes, sitatungas, takins (believed to be the source of the mythological “golden fleece”), ibexes, gorals, serows, tahrs, mouflons, duikers, oryxes, chamois, behemoths...

Elk, deer, stags, does, moose, antelopes, pronghorns, camels, llamas, giraffes, okapi, sheep, goats. The now-extinct Irish Elk (actually a deer) stood 7’ tall at the shoulder and had a 12’ rack of antlers!

Suiformes include boars, swine, pigs, warthogs, babirusa (literally “pig-deer,” which hang by their tusks from the branch of a tree in Indonesian legend), and peccaries.

Thunder cattle are large, midnight-blue bovines that gallop through the hills. They can arc lightning between their horns (and then shoot it at things that are bothering them) and summon storms with their bellows. Blast, Really Big ×3 = +6 Body 800kg –3 dodge, Terrible Hooves ×2 = +4 damage, Counter Escalation (gore/trample/blast, kick), Storm Call. Body 12, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 4, Reflexes 10, Creature Powers 15. They can be subdued by blindfolding them and feeding them pungent herbs to confuse their senses of smell.


Rhinoceri are related to horses, hippopotami are related to pigs and camels, and elephants and mammoths and mastodons are in a different order entirely. (The elephant has an extinct cousin, the embrithopod, that had great big bony horns on its head.)


The giant rat of Sumatra, squirrels, porcupines, voles, mice, beavers, chipmunks, marmots, gohers, prairie dogs, woodchucks, kangaroo rats, lemmings, muskrats, capybaras, guinea pigs, chinchillas...

Teckla are mouselike rodents that dwell in salt marsh environments. (Stolen from Steve Brust.)


Killer bunnies! In addition to Monty Python’s classic, there’s also the miraj, a large and savage hare with yellow fur and a single spiralling black horn in the center of its forehead. (Reported on an island in the Indian Ocean.)

Norska are fanged bunnies. (Stolen from Steve Brust.)

Discord hares are large, multicolored rabbits that drum on the ground and cause earthquakes.

Marsupials and Monotremes

Marsupials include kangaroos, thylacines (marsupial wolves!), koalas, Tasmanian devils, and wombats...

Monotremes are egg-laying mammals: the duck-billed platypus and echidna.


Apes, orangoutangs, monkeys...

Australopithecines, gigantopithecines, and other fun neighbors...

Ogres and cyclopes and giants... the nasty thing about these is that they’re all Big Bruisers, which take forever to take down.


Fruit-bats, insect-eating bats, vampire bats.... Giant bats are always fun.

Foxkin are inquisitive black-furred bat-like creatures with a fox’s face, large ears, and furry wings; they seem to have a hive intelligence. (Stolen from P C Hodgell.)

Cetaceans and Pinnipeds

Cetaceans are whales and dolphins.

Pinnipeds are seals, sea-lions and walruses. (Dugongs and manatees— “sea cows”— are technically sirens, and are related to elephants.)


Opossums are actually order didelphimorpha, class didelphidae.

Insectivores include moles, hedgehogs, and shrews.

Xenarthra include anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. (The megatherium, or giant sloth, was an impressive elephant-sized creature from the Pleistocene.) Scaly anteaters look like pine cones with legs (pangolins), and have their own order.

Hyraxes have their own order.